This standard work of reference, now in its second edition, continues to focus on educating electronic engineers in surface mount principles, mainstream industry practices, and technology options.
ISBN 0-412-12921-3
Preface: the Scope of this Book
Forward by Dieter Bergman - IPC
Ordering SMT Principles and Practice
Everything you have come to expect from the first edition plus much more is presented in this one-of-a-kind resource, exploring the basic principles and practice of Surface Mount Technology. Practicing engineers, managers, technicians, and purchasing agents involved in the manufacturing and outsourcing of electronic assemblies will find this book to be very useful in solving day-to-day design and manufacturing problems.
In addition, professors and students of electrical, mechanical, manufacturing, materials, and packaging engineering will find this to be an indispensable text.

Registration is Open for SMT Course
Ray Prasad will be teaching his flagship SMT course: